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Frequently Asked

How much does it cost to attend?

Attendance at a single three to four hour session of The Memory Tree costs $60.  However we offer a sliding scale based on need/income.  Please let us know if you need help.  Our goal is that no one should be denied access to the program because of financial hardship.

Can I drop in to see if the program is right for me?

No. Before you come to the program you must have an interview.  We don’t allow “drop-ins” as it can be disruptive to the class.  However, if after your interview you want to “visit” a session we can arrange that for you!

What if I have been diagnosed with moderate to late stage Alzheimer's Disease.

Unfortunately, our program is not right for you.  We would recommend that you contact CaringKind  or the Alzheimer’s Association

Does The Memory Tree need volunteers?

Absolutely!  If you’d like to volunteer at our program or are interested in joining our Board, please contact us through the message form on this page or at

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