A message from our President & Founder
How do you fight a disease with no known cure?
By Elizabeth Fine, LCSW
The Early Alzheimer’s Foundation (EAF)
strives to answer this question by creating a special place for people environments
of education, wellness, and respite for individuals in the first stages of
Alzheimer’s disease and their families, friends and caregivers through its
signature program The Memory Tree.
People with Early stage Alzheimer’s
disease and related disorders have the desire and the ability to play an active
role in our society, In many cases Alzheimer’s disease is being diagnosed
earlier and people are living longer in the early stage because of medical
Friends, family, and other caregivers
need support and respite, information and friendships to help deal with their
responsibilities and the transitions forced by the disease.
I have created the EAF, a
not-for-profit organization because, as a social worker with over 34 years of
service to people with Alzheimer’s disease at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in
New York City, I became acutely aware of how little there was in the way of
support for people with early stage Alzheimer’s, and how much they can benefit
from that help. Now, I ask for your
support to build the programs that will fill this gap.

About our Classes and programs
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In-Person Classes
The Memory Tree started as an in-person experience and, now that the pandemic is over, we have returned to the community-based lassrooms!
On-Line Classes
We believe that on-line classes provide an excellent opportunity to work against memory loss in a safe setting that still offeres socialization.
Spanish Programs
Nuestros cursos diseñados para combatir la pérdida de memoria están disponibles en español. ¡Haga clic a continuación para obtener más información!
How to Apply
The first step is to set up a free phone interview with our social worker. They will take a brief history, learn a bit about you, and help determine which classes would provide be the best fit.
What does it Cost?
As a non-profit organization, fees for our programs are on a sliding scale. Scholarships are available, and some of our classes and programs are free. Discuss this at the time of your free interview.
When do you Meet?
Each weekly in-person session is three hours long, consisting of three classes and a snack break. Most on-line sessions are one and a half hours in length.
Olive Mack
Ui Designer, Jobox
“The Pros, is definitely the best choice I ever made! The course gave me all the skills and the tools i needed to integrate in the industry.”
Micheal Hernandez
Animator, Creabird
“I received a lot of knowledge and professional tools from the Pros. The lecturers and the rest of the team helped me a lot even after the course.”
Thomas Presson
Ui/ Ux Designer, Ferirama
“I got my dream job thanks to the course I took and the connections of the expert lecturers that were dedicated to help me find a job.”
Kelli Hill
Web Designer, Slabdrill
“I finished the course with a lot of professional knowledge, practical tools and lots of encouragement and support from the expert lecturers.”
Pedro Gomez
Motion Designer, Plakill
“Proud to be graduating from The Pros Institute. The high level of the courses and the dedication to the students was amazing. Truly thankful!”
Rene Thornton
Web designer and Illustrator, Glowl
“Proud to be graduating from The Pros Institute. The high level of the courses and the dedication to the students was amazing. Truly thankful!”